hello! my name is parry – i'm a marbler and bookbinder based in minnesota. this site is where i've collected projects and experiments of interest. some are complete, some are in a nascent stage, and most are in between. if you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out at parry@bookartbook.art. you can find me elsewhere on the web at parryc.com.
unsure of where to look first? take a peep at some marbling examples, learn about one of my cross-discipline projects, or read up on kyoseishi.
recent updates
all posts are evergreen, meaning they may updated at any point as i return to the topic at hand
- books on letterpress
- me about town
- matrix a review for printers
- marbling in the wild
- de schoolmeester
- jana pullman's journal
- will it marble?
- old ways 2022
- microcomb
- a brief theory of combed patterns
- bookbinding examples
- gilding tools cleanup
- removing oil from bookcloth
- teach me about kyoseishi so i don't have to research it myself
- making rakes
- water resistance
- marbling examples
- pivot rakes
- a momigami jacket
- home marbling setup
- colophon
- kyoseishi
- marbling description syntax
- joining sheets of washi